Tuesday 14 July 2020

How To Create An Proper Survival Gear Kit

For any adventure lover, a Survival Kit should be deemed as mandatory gear. You never know when anything goes wrong, that puts your very life at risk. Nevertheless, if you have a well-designed kit with you, the chances of survival are likely to increase significantly.

Here are a few articles that need to be part of your Survival Gear Kit to make it effective under the testing circumstances.

•    Swiss/Pocket knife
•    Pliers
•    Torches
•    Extra batteries
•    Candles for emergency
•    Magnifying glass
•    Matches
•    Non-perishable food items
•    Space blanket
•    Large Tarps
•    Rain Poncho
•    Metal Mugs
•    First Aid Kit comprising bandages, NSAIDs, Aspirin, Antihistamines, Antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, pair of Tweezers, and Gauze
•    A signalling mirror or whistle to grab the attention when lost

And finally a cheat sheet— It may carry any detail which might be of value in a situation where survival is at stake. That could be first aid techniques, a list of geographical landmarks to navigate without a map, instructions to tie different types of knots or a list of edible fruits in the region. You'll probably want to print out a checklist like this and then get it laminated to secure it. However, if your list ends up being very long, it would be easier to segregate it in pack multiple small cards instead of keeping a single large one.

Kit Customization

Once you have the items required for a Survival Gear Kit, it's time to customize it as per your specific requirements. Asking yourself the following questions can help you reach the appropriate closure.

What would the count of people sharing the kit?

When you're going out on a solo hiking trip, you're not going to need as many resources as you would require when heading out with a team of 4. Similarly, in some cases,  the number of people will not affect the count of certain articles that one needs to carry along— for instance, a fire starter. So, pick your stock accordingly.

What sort of emergency is anticipated?

In different situations and through different activities, you are likely to face multiple types of possible emergencies. For instance, while scuba diving across a bay, a sprained ankle is unlikely; however, a stingray or octopus attack is still very much a possibility. Hence, you'll need to pack your first-aid supplies accordingly.

To know more about Survival Gear Kit, visit us now at Emergency Preparedness Kits.