Tuesday 28 April 2020

Things You Need In A Survival Kit

Before you start building an emergency survival kit, here are a few critical queries that you need to address:

1.The number of people (and animals, if any) that your emergency gear is going to serve. You'll need to gather the essentials accordingly.

2. What sort of emergency do you need to prepare for? It can be a natural disaster such as an earthquake, hurricane, house fire, or a tsunami, which might require immediate evacuation— Portability is going to be the key.

Here are a few essentials articles that one must accommodate while building the Best Emergency Preparedness Kits

Water: Wildfires, storms, earthquakes, and many similar eventualities are going to impact the supply of freshwater adversely.

While at home, plan to have at least one gallon of clean water for drinking as well as hygiene requirements per person per day. However, when you're building a travel or evacuation emergency kit, it's not feasible to bring more than a gallon of water along; a portable water filtration straw might come handy in that case.

Weather radios and light

We generally depend on local media, phones, and the internet to remain in contact with the outside world, but these are often first to take the hit in the disaster situation.

When everything else fails, weather radios can help you stay in touch with climate updates, evacuations, and other relevant details related to the emergency. Hence, they ought to be part of your survival gear— Go with the ones that come with integrated emergency lights and charging points.

First Aid Kit

A First Aid box is an indispensable part of any emergency preparedness kit. A basic one may include dressings, bandage, antibiotic ointment, and pain killers. You may add burn medications, elastic bandages, and anti-allergic pills to create a full-fledged version. If you have got pets and children at home, do not forget to include their medications too.


In an emergency, there can be water unavailability or shortage. Keep a sanitizer handy to disinfect yourself and your family, whenever and wherever required.

Food articles

Lastly, do not forget to pack a few energy bars, nuts, dry fruits, and other such easy-to-stock food items to beat the hunger pangs, especially when food is scarce or cooking is no longer an option.

For best Emergency Preparedness Kits, visit us now at Emergency Preparedness Kits.