Wednesday 2 September 2020

6 Reasons You Need To Pocket A Survival Knife Kit

Survival knives have many applications – they can aid you in a variety of circumstances that can be both normal or life-threatening, which is precisely the reason why you shouldn't go out into the woods and wild without taking one along. Consider the six main reasons why possessing a Survival Knife Kit is so important:

Defend yourself

Even if you may not need to, you've got to really take this into account – the main objective of a knife is to use it as a weapon. You can use it to safeguard yourself against the animal attacks as well as the others.

Clearing bushy path

In several instances, the woods might not offer you a comfortable little path to stroll along. A decent survival knife kit will help you clear a course safely and with no problems, making it easier to get through a forested area.

Generate fire

Once you find sufficient logwoods, it's time to kindle the fire. But what if you have got no fire starters with you? Fret not! You can even use your survival knife to make a feather stick to ignite a fire quickly.

Even the hunting gets easy

When you're deep in the woods and out of supplies, the most significant concern is finding some meat to stay alive. And that's where the knife will come in handy— you can tie it to a large stick and use it as a dagger to make a kill.

Use it to open the cans

What if you brought some canned food into the forest with you, but forgot to carry the opener along?  A right survival blade can serve as a handy replacement.

A Perfect Digging tool

Undoubtedly, a robust blade can be easily used as a versatile digging instrument. You could utilize it to dig a big hole for the disposal of garbage, or even to make a distress call.

To know more about Survival Knife Kit and more such handy tools, visit us now at Emergency Preparedness kit.

Thursday 20 August 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Purchase the Best Survival Kit Backpack

 If you want to guarantee the safety of your family, you need to invest in a quality survival kit. Well. A life-threatening crisis can take place any time and can deprive you of modern-day luxuries that you might be taking for granted. Therefore, it’s better to have a quality Survival Kit Backpack where you can hold all the essentials which are required to prepare yourself for emergencies. It will give you an assurance that you remain prepared in the great outdoors or an emergency survival situation. Moreover, if you are also one of those who love hunting and camping trips, then having this type of survival kit can turn out to be a great investment. 

To help you in making the right decision while purchasing the best backpack of survival kit, below we are rolling up some of the top factors which you should consider: 

• Size and weight of the kit
Wondering why it’s important? Well. The size and weight of the kit will help you in determining how convenient it is to carry. Particularly, if you are a backpacker heading on a camping trip, you should always try to opt for a kit that is portable and functional. However, you should also remember not to fall for low-quality kits that don’t provide you such features. As if you purchase a low quality kit, there are higher chances that it might get scratched or wrecked.

• Components you need for your adventure
There is no point in purchasing a commercial-grade survival kit if it doesn’t include all those items which are important for your adventure. The items such as flashlights, whistle, water purification tablets, water bottles, matchsticks, compass or GPS, hand crack chargers for powering up your cell phones, radios, and flashlights, wiper, sanitizers, toilet papers, tissues, liquid soap, knife blade, fire starters, and various other utensils and canned items.

• Kind of weather you will endure
If you are heading to a damp or a marshy location, you need to ensure the survival kit is waterproof or water-resistant. Yeah. If you purchase any of the backpacks, there are higher chances that it might damage your items. Therefore, if your destination is likely to experience rainfall or any kind of water exposure, you need to purchase a quality waterproof backpack. Moreover, for adding extra protection, you can also consider customizing the kit as per your needs and requisites.

Wrapping Up

It’s better to focus on the space and keeping the weight to a minimum. To know more about these survival kit backpack or if you want to purchase the best survival kit, you must have a quick visit to Emergency Preparedness Kits. By visiting this website, it will become easier for you to choose the best survival kit without burning a hole in your pocket.

Monday 3 August 2020

Survival Kits: The Best Emergency Kits That Will Help in Saving Your Life!

Disasters can happen anytime, anywhere. Tornadoes, bushfire, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, floods, cyclones, and blizzards are some of the most common examples where it becomes essential to take care of yourself. These types of natural disasters can be instantaneous and unpredictable that often affect the community with life-threatening consequences.

To get rid of these hazardous situations, purchasing quality Survival Kits helps you to prepare and protect your household for unforeseen events. While all the kits are meant to render you with the essential supplies, they are not all the same. There are different types of survival kits such as for camping purposes, emergency earthquake kits, etc. It does not matter which type of survival kit you are purchasing, it must be light, compact, and possess adequate supplies.

Let’s explore the top points that will help you to figure out why these survival kits are considered as the best emergency kits:
  • Ensures the safety and survival of a person
The foremost purpose of an emergency kit is to get an assurance that you are well-prepared in case of any kind of emergency. It will ensure the safety and survival of the person who is using it. These emergency kits come in various types such as satchels, backpacks, duffel bags, buckets, etc.
  • Contains all the necessary items
It's better to purchase the best emergency kits from the top certified professionals. These professionals will assure you that you will get all the necessary items. It includes water, food, first aid needs, and various other crucial gears that match your family needs and requirements in the best possible manner.
  • Offers peace of mind
One of the terrifying things in this world is not knowing what will happen in the next minute. Disasters and emergencies are the foremost part of the unknown we all fear. Therefore, when you keep survival kits in your home, you will be able to get a sense of security by being prepared.
  • Receive information from the outside world
When you can receive local updates and various emergency information, it is as important as communicating with the outside world. Therefore, in case of any emergency, getting all the updates like what is happening in your area will surely protect you and your family most reliably.

Wrapping Up

Knowing that you have everything that is required to go at the moment notice will provide you peace of mind. You must Emergency Preparedness Kits to know more about these emergency survival kits or if you are planning to purchase them. They are one of the top certified and highly qualified professionals who are providing top-notch guidance and professional assistance to all their clients regarding these survival kits.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

How To Create An Proper Survival Gear Kit

For any adventure lover, a Survival Kit should be deemed as mandatory gear. You never know when anything goes wrong, that puts your very life at risk. Nevertheless, if you have a well-designed kit with you, the chances of survival are likely to increase significantly.

Here are a few articles that need to be part of your Survival Gear Kit to make it effective under the testing circumstances.

•    Swiss/Pocket knife
•    Pliers
•    Torches
•    Extra batteries
•    Candles for emergency
•    Magnifying glass
•    Matches
•    Non-perishable food items
•    Space blanket
•    Large Tarps
•    Rain Poncho
•    Metal Mugs
•    First Aid Kit comprising bandages, NSAIDs, Aspirin, Antihistamines, Antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, pair of Tweezers, and Gauze
•    A signalling mirror or whistle to grab the attention when lost

And finally a cheat sheet— It may carry any detail which might be of value in a situation where survival is at stake. That could be first aid techniques, a list of geographical landmarks to navigate without a map, instructions to tie different types of knots or a list of edible fruits in the region. You'll probably want to print out a checklist like this and then get it laminated to secure it. However, if your list ends up being very long, it would be easier to segregate it in pack multiple small cards instead of keeping a single large one.

Kit Customization

Once you have the items required for a Survival Gear Kit, it's time to customize it as per your specific requirements. Asking yourself the following questions can help you reach the appropriate closure.

What would the count of people sharing the kit?

When you're going out on a solo hiking trip, you're not going to need as many resources as you would require when heading out with a team of 4. Similarly, in some cases,  the number of people will not affect the count of certain articles that one needs to carry along— for instance, a fire starter. So, pick your stock accordingly.

What sort of emergency is anticipated?

In different situations and through different activities, you are likely to face multiple types of possible emergencies. For instance, while scuba diving across a bay, a sprained ankle is unlikely; however, a stingray or octopus attack is still very much a possibility. Hence, you'll need to pack your first-aid supplies accordingly.

To know more about Survival Gear Kit, visit us now at Emergency Preparedness Kits.

Friday 26 June 2020

Why It’s Essential To Have Survival First Aid Kit In Your Home?

What is the best thing you do to prepare yourself for emergencies? Well. There is no doubt in saying that emergencies can occur at any time. Therefore, it becomes essential to have a kit filled with all the essential first aid items that will help you to protect from any drastic injury. Not merely in your home, but it is also important to package the best Survival First Aid Kit in your car. This includes antiseptic wipes, plasters, clean dressings, cotton wool, bandages, gloves, etc.
Having this well-stocked and ready to use first aid kit is one of the best things you can prepare for emergencies.
Further down, we are providing you some of the top reasons why it is essential to have first
aid kit:
  • Give necessary aid before medical help arrives 
There is no doubt in saying that a first aid treatment isn’t supposed to completely cure anyone who got an injury, accident, or any of the medical conditions. But rather than waiting for the ambulance or other professionals, it will be great to take some benefit of a quality first aid kit and apply the basic treatment to the victim before any medical help arrives. This is one of the best things that will give you the confidence and ability to react immediately to any injury or illness.  
  • Reduce the risk of infections 
As you can’t afford to keep your family from getting hurt. It’s better to protect them when they get injured. Yeah. First aid kit will give victim the necessary treatment from the open wounds to injuries. This will surely help in reducing the severity and can save the life of your family member. As a result, the content of your first aid kit could turn out to be the lifesaver that will help you to reduce the risk of infections and the severity of an injury. 
  • Lessens the recovery time of the victim 
A quick reaction to any of the illnesses or injuries before medical help arrives is very significant. Therefore, with the help of a quality first aid kit that possesses all the essential medications, you will be able to lessen the recovery time of the injury. It is a perfect way to do all the effects to save a life. This is the reason how many of the lives have been saved because of the quick reaction and aid given during critical and life-threatening accidents. 

Wrapping Up

To avoid any mishap, and treat the injury as soon as possible, you must purchase a quality survival first aid kit. Therefore, to purchase the best out of all, you must visit Emergency Preparedness Kits. These are one of the best-certified professionals who are well-renowned for their survival first aid kits. You must go through their website to explore their products.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

The initial move towards making disaster preparedness kit

You’ve seen the pictures on the news during cataclysmic events: supermarket racks picked clean of filtered water and toilet papers, with urgent individuals battling about the last pack of batteries. It is anything but a pretty picture, yet since you're here understanding this - on the most proficient method to make a Disaster Preparedness Kit, you've just ventured out evade that situation.

Since you're the sort of individual who likes to keep steady over things, here you'll become more acquainted with from where to begin and what to do directly from the nuts and bolts, yet there are likewise a couple of master tips added to enable you to be as ready as could be expected under the circumstances. That way, when disaster strikes, you can let others run to the store while you're cozy at home (or pressed and all set) with your very much supplied disaster preparedness kit.

Where to Start
There are two inquiries to pose to yourself before you begin assembling your first aid pack:

1. Who is this kit for?
2. What sorts of crises could influence me? 
  •  In the first place, think about what number of individuals (and creatures) your endurance kit should bolster and what their particular needs are. A survival kit for a youthful, single grown-up will appear to be unique from a first aid pack for a family with little children, or for a more established couple.
  • Second, what sort of crisis would you say you are anticipating? If you live in California, a seismic tremor or fierce blaze is a chance. On the off chance that you live along a coastline, you might need to plan for typhoons or flooding. Does the crisis normally expect you to shield set up (remain at home) or would you potentially need to clear? If you believe there's a clearing plausibility, you might need to consider making a compact endurance kit that you can without much of a stretch toss in your vehicle. If you as of now invest a great deal of energy in the street, or in case you're stressed over a crisis while you're grinding away, you may need littler survival kits only for your vehicle or office.
If you have answers to these inquiries now, amazing. Remember them as you keep making your first aid pack. If you need to get a disaster preparedness kit or any additional data concerning it you can visit "Emergency Preparedness Kits".

Monday 18 May 2020

A Small Guide to Choose the Best Survival Gear Kit

It is quite obvious that we all want to be as ready for whatever the future brings for us and events that are completely out of our control can sometimes happen. The environmental hazards, disasters, and pandemic diseases can force to take some drastic actions. It's very important to consider spending some bucks on getting yourself a survival gear kit to be as prepared as you can be. Having a survival kit is a very complicated method because you need to look at everything from adequacy and price to its rankings. It is important to ensure that you chose the Best Survival Gear Kit for your needs so that you can be much more prepared to manage future emergencies. We'll look at a few of the key points in this article to remember when making your decision.

•    The first thing we consider while we buy the survival kit is the cost. You can't, of course, put a price on your protection and survival abilities, but when placing your order you must take into account your estimated cost. So, look at the budget and see if you can afford to spend on buying the best survival gear kit.

•    You can note that numerous survival kits are tailored to different conditions, so it's something you need to remember. In the midst of a disaster, some might be geared towards surviving outdoors, while others may be geared for indoor disasters. 

•    At last, look whether the kit is a mobile one or a home survival kit.  Several experts suggest that you get a bigger kit for your home but also say that you should have a portable one in hand in case you need them in an emergency.

These were some important tips you need to follow while you choose the best survival gear kit. You can surely visit Emergency Preparedness Kits and get to know more about the survival gear kit. We need to stay safe whenever we are traveling around and hence getting this kit will prove to be a good idea.

Monday 11 May 2020

How to get the best emergency survival kit?

An emergency kit is something that you should have around, in case an unexpected dangerous event happens. Statistically speaking, it's unlikely that you will ever find yourself in a situation calling for an emergency preparedness kit but it’s that word “preparedness” that’s the operative. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. The Best Emergency Survival Kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked with the items on the checklist below. Most of the items are inexpensive and easy to find and any one of them could save your life. Once you take a look at the basic items consider what unique needs your family might have, such as supplies for pets or seniors.

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

To assemble your kit store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.

The best emergency survival kit must include the following recommended items:

•    Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
•    Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
•    Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
•    Extra batteries
•    First aid kit
•    Flashlight
•    Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)
•    Local maps
•    Manual can opener (for food)
•    Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
•    Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation)
•    Whistle (to signal for help)
•    Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)

Kit Storage Locations

Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare supplies for home, work and cars.

1. Home: Keep this kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept.

2. Work: Be prepared to shelter at work for at least 24 hours. Your work kit should include food, water and other necessities like medicines, as well as comfortable walking shoes, stored in a “grab and go” case.

3. Car: In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car.

If you want to get the best emergency survival kit or any further information regarding it you can visit “Emergency Preparedness Kits”.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Things You Need In A Survival Kit

Before you start building an emergency survival kit, here are a few critical queries that you need to address:

1.The number of people (and animals, if any) that your emergency gear is going to serve. You'll need to gather the essentials accordingly.

2. What sort of emergency do you need to prepare for? It can be a natural disaster such as an earthquake, hurricane, house fire, or a tsunami, which might require immediate evacuation— Portability is going to be the key.

Here are a few essentials articles that one must accommodate while building the Best Emergency Preparedness Kits

Water: Wildfires, storms, earthquakes, and many similar eventualities are going to impact the supply of freshwater adversely.

While at home, plan to have at least one gallon of clean water for drinking as well as hygiene requirements per person per day. However, when you're building a travel or evacuation emergency kit, it's not feasible to bring more than a gallon of water along; a portable water filtration straw might come handy in that case.

Weather radios and light

We generally depend on local media, phones, and the internet to remain in contact with the outside world, but these are often first to take the hit in the disaster situation.

When everything else fails, weather radios can help you stay in touch with climate updates, evacuations, and other relevant details related to the emergency. Hence, they ought to be part of your survival gear— Go with the ones that come with integrated emergency lights and charging points.

First Aid Kit

A First Aid box is an indispensable part of any emergency preparedness kit. A basic one may include dressings, bandage, antibiotic ointment, and pain killers. You may add burn medications, elastic bandages, and anti-allergic pills to create a full-fledged version. If you have got pets and children at home, do not forget to include their medications too.


In an emergency, there can be water unavailability or shortage. Keep a sanitizer handy to disinfect yourself and your family, whenever and wherever required.

Food articles

Lastly, do not forget to pack a few energy bars, nuts, dry fruits, and other such easy-to-stock food items to beat the hunger pangs, especially when food is scarce or cooking is no longer an option.

For best Emergency Preparedness Kits, visit us now at Emergency Preparedness Kits.